Connecting or Reconnecting With GAZeL
Whether you are new to GAZeL, or reconnecting with us, we want to update you on our new mission and initiatives to create an Innovative Learning Collaborative. You may know GAZeL as an eLearning organization Connecting Arizona’s eLearning Community. Maybe you have participated in our events such as CEO Breakfasts, networking events, Forums, Conferences, our eLearning Summit, the One Laptop Per Child fundraiser, or our discussions about eLearning research in Arizona.
A New Mission For GAZeL -Innovation, Technology and The Collaborative
In 2015 the Board made an important decision. While events are great, we want to focus on initiatives that will have impact and enhance innovative learning in Arizona. So, on September 28, 2015 GAZeL, in cooperation with other business, education and community organizations, convened the Forum on Innovative Learning 2015 and Beyond: Challenges, Opportunities, Technologies and Strategies.
The Forum launched the Arizona Innovative Learning Collaborative.
While GAZeL remains committed to eLearning
eLearning is just the beginning! Innovative Learning is so much more!
eLearning is just the beginning! Innovative Learning is so much more!
In February 2016 the Board officially adopted a Roadmap for GAZeL’s future that will focus on education innovation, technology and develpment of the Collaborative. The Collaborative reflects a broader vision for GAZeL .
Why The Collaborative?
While issues such as funding, politics, assessment, and legislation tend to dominate the education agenda in Arizona, innovative ideas and new technologies will transform teaching and learning and enable a new generation of education and workforce development solutions in Arizona
We are not about politics, policy, and issues such as funding and testing!
We will be about innovation, technology, and collaboration!
We will be about innovation, technology, and collaboration!
Here Is How We Will Have An Impact
The Collaborative will Create A Culture of Education Innovation ...
that promotes and supports adoption of innovative ideas and new technologies from blended learning, digital curriculum, innovative learning spaces, to mobile learning, individualized self paced learning, competency and outcome based education, flipped classrooms, adaptive learning models, Innovation Labs and Makerspaces, 3D printing, coding, project based learning, robotics, game based learning and virtual lab experiences, and more.
that promotes and supports adoption of innovative ideas and new technologies from blended learning, digital curriculum, innovative learning spaces, to mobile learning, individualized self paced learning, competency and outcome based education, flipped classrooms, adaptive learning models, Innovation Labs and Makerspaces, 3D printing, coding, project based learning, robotics, game based learning and virtual lab experiences, and more.
The Collaborative will Develop Opportunities for Collaboration/Creating Teams/Communities of Interest ...
for advocates and learning innovators in education, libraries, business, government, and community organizations to network, share ideas and resources, exchange best practices, pursue joint funding opportunities, develop mutual professional development strategies, pursue and share research opportunities and cooperate in other initiatives that will support adoption of innovative strategies and technologies.
for advocates and learning innovators in education, libraries, business, government, and community organizations to network, share ideas and resources, exchange best practices, pursue joint funding opportunities, develop mutual professional development strategies, pursue and share research opportunities and cooperate in other initiatives that will support adoption of innovative strategies and technologies.
Who Should Be Involved In GAZeL and the Collaborative?
Advocates and Innovators who want to connect with fellow Arizonans committed to transforming education in Arizona through Innovative ideas, new technologies and collaboration that will enable a new generation of education and workforce development solutions in Arizona.
More Info About The Collaborative
For more info about the Collaborative
- Why It Was Created
- Innovative Learning - eLearning and So Much More
- How We Will Make a Difference - Communities of Interest Teams
- Initiatives
- Who Should Be Involved
- Regional Collaboratives and Networking Events
- Our Online Community
- How You Can Get Involved
- More
More About GAZeL and the Innovative Learning Collaborative
See pages on this web site to learn more about GAZeL, our events and initiatives, things we have done, opportunities to get involved and invest in GAZeL, and, how you will benefit from participation